सुख - शांति - समाधान - संस्था
"Samadhan" Total samadhan = Satisfaction is the first & foremost goal of this organization. Any person who comes in contact with this organization should be staisfied from the bottom of his/her heart.
For this we organize camps for yoga, pranayam & personality development. We also take presentation, lectures, workshop and games for children. If required we can introduce new formats for the benefit & development of one self and group as a whole.
Through which we preach ethical, moral & spiritual Values in the society. It not only results into one's personality development but also helps the person in his professional life.
We try to design each camps session according to the requirement and capacity of the group, so that more output (benefit) can be extracted. Our approach provides total equality, faith, honesty, dedication, moral values, and much more, through various activities, Aasanas and Pranayam.
In all we try to create enjoyable, sincere, workable atmosphere in the camp so that each & everyone gets total satisfaction.
With the help of these camps / sessions and group activities we try to take out the hidden talent of the members / participants, which builds their confidence and positive approach towards their own goals and achievements.
In long term we also help each other & provide knowledge of financial literacy so as to get better financial statuses. One of our agenda is to spread Nationalism in the hearts of our members & society as a whole.
This organization actually started working way back in May-2015. It got registered in Charitable Trust from 9th May 2013. Till Date more than 80 camps have been organized in different locations in India. More than 4,000 people have been benefited out of these camps.